Client API Usage

Greetings, all.

Most of my customers use a WebApp to access their data, but some are more sophisticated and would like to use the client REST API. A customer may have multiple devices assigned to him or her.

That in mind:

  1. How would a customer obtain the DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEYs for each of his/her devices?
  2. If a customer needs to call, how would he/she obtain his/her CUSTOMER_KEY?

To clarify, as the owner/admin I know how to get this info from the mDash dashboard, but not clear how a customer would obtain this information on their own.


A customer gets its key after self-registration.
Similar to admins get their own credentials.

This is a web app login snippet:

There, a customer enters email + password, clicks on login button, and JS code sends a /customer GET request with the basic authorisation header. A response is a customer JSON object with token and list of customer’s devices (their PUBLIC_KEYs).

Hope that helps.

Thanks for these details - it’s clear how one obtains the device PUBLIC_KEYs now.

I am confused, however, regarding the usage of /customer GET endpoint. In the Client API doc it states:

Every request must have a ?access_token=CUSTOMER_KEY query string attached, or a Authorization: Bearer CUSTOMER_KEY header specified.

…but you mention above that username/password authorization should be used with this GET call instead of the CUSTOMER_KEY token approach in the docs. Do both methods apply?


Yes, both methods. If you know the CUSTOMER_KEY, you can use it.
If you don’t know it, you must know email/pass - then, use Basic auth.

Understood on the Basic auth method. Is there a way for a customer to programmatically determine his/her CUSTOMER_KEY?


A customer must know its email + pass.
Make a Basic auth request using email + pass, and get a customer JSON object back. A JSON object contains CUSTOMER_KEY.

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Sorry to revisit this, but struggling to get this to work.

Attempting the following:
curl --request GET --user '' --url

{"message":"Not Found"}

Am I missing something here?


Any further thoughts on this one? We have a customer attempting to make use of this API endpoint and are stuck at the moment.


I’ve given an exact snippet from the working .js file.

The URL is

Thanks for the corrected URL. I was using the other URL from the API doc.

The following curl command worked for me:

curl -u


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