Hi, I’m trying to setup mDash on stm32F7 board. I have set token with mos mdash-setup but this is the log. Any suggestion on how to fix it?
[Dec 5 00:05:41.019] mgos_freertos.c:175 test2 1.0 (20191204-230503)
[Dec 5 00:05:41.019] mgos_freertos.c:177 Mongoose OS 2.16.0 (20191204-230503/2.16.0-g9b779cd)
[Dec 5 00:05:41.020] mgos_freertos.c:181 CPU: 192 MHz, FreeRTOS 10.2.0, heap: 299008 total, 297224 free
[Dec 5 00:05:41.020] mgos_freertos.c:183 Newlib 3.0.0
[Dec 5 00:05:41.021] mg_lwip_ev_mgr.c:93 Mongoose 6.15, LwIP 2.1.2
[Dec 5 00:05:41.021] mg_ssl_if_mbedtls.c:57 mbed TLS 2.16.3-cesanta2
[Dec 5 00:05:41.022] mgos_vfs_dev.c:73 fs0: stm32flash ({"offset": 0x8000, "size": 0x80000, "ese": true}), size 524288
[Dec 5 00:05:41.022] mgos_core.c:60 Failed to init boot cfg, OTA not supported.
[Dec 5 00:05:41.023] mgos_vfs.c:147 /: SPIFFS @ fs0, opts {"bs": 4096, "is": 128}
[Dec 5 00:05:41.071] mgos_vfs.c:320 /: size 474641, used: 29116, free: 445525
[Dec 5 00:05:41.117] mgos_sys_config.c:368 MAC: 12:34:64:69:af:ee
[Dec 5 00:05:41.117] mgos_sys_config.c:376 WDT: 30 seconds
[Dec 5 00:05:41.173] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init i2c...
[Dec 5 00:05:41.173] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init atca...
[Dec 5 00:05:41.174] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init ethernet...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.065] stm32_eth.c:112 ETH: MAC 12:34:56:69:af:ee; PHY: LAN8742a @ 0, speed auto, duplex auto; IP: DHCP
[Dec 5 00:05:42.065] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init http-server...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.066] mgos_http_server.c:282 HTTP server started on [80]
[Dec 5 00:05:42.067] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-common...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.068] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-ws...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.069] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init shadow...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.070] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init dash...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.072] mg_rpc.c:539 0x2000e308 'wss://mdash.net/api/v2/rpc' WSS_out
[Dec 5 00:05:42.073] mgos_dash.c:203 Dash init ok, server: wss://mdash.net/api/v2/rpc)
[Dec 5 00:05:42.078] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init mbedtls...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.080] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init ota-http-client...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.080] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init ota-http-server...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.081] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init ota-shadow...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.081] mgos_ota_shadow_lib:123 OTA over shadow initialised
[Dec 5 00:05:42.082] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-service-config...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.082] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-service-fs...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.083] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-service-ota...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.083] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init rpc-uart...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.084] mgos_rpc_channel_ua:313 0x2000e968 UART3
[Dec 5 00:05:42.084] mg_rpc.c:539 0x2000e968 '' UART
[Dec 5 00:05:42.085] mg_rpc.c:470 0x2000e968 CHAN OPEN (UART UART3)
[Dec 5 00:05:42.085] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init sntp...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.085] mgos_deps_init.c:150 init spi...
[Dec 5 00:05:42.086] main.c:41 Start
[Dec 5 00:05:42.086] main.c:44 mgos_vfs.c:256 / -> / pl 1 -> 1 0x200097e8 (refs 1)
[Dec 5 00:05:42.086] File System size: 474641
[Dec 5 00:05:42.087] main.c:45 mgos_vfs.c:256 / -> / pl 1 -> 1 0x200097e8 (refs 1)
[Dec 5 00:05:42.087] Free File System size: 445525
[Dec 5 00:05:42.095] main.c:48 Finish
[Dec 5 00:05:42.096] mgos_init.c:36 Init done, RAM: 299008 total, 266688 free, 0 min free
[Dec 5 00:05:42.100] mgos_event.c:135 ev MOS0 triggered 0 handlers
[Dec 5 00:05:42.101] mgos_ota_core.c:969 1 0
[Dec 5 00:05:42.101] mgos_ota_core.c:1318 UID: 10e1e3172b420ac4, license: none
[Dec 5 00:05:45.950] stm32_eth_netif.c:399 ETH: Link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex
[Dec 5 00:05:45.951] stm32_eth_netif.c:417 DHCP state 0 -> 6
[Dec 5 00:05:45.953] mgos_net.c:90 ETH: connected
[Dec 5 00:05:45.956] mgos_event.c:135 ev NET2 triggered 2 handlers