After OTA new code works only until restart, once esp32 restart code revert to old one. Before mDash update it works properly, please fix the issue or give solution.we have 50+ online sites please updates ASAP.
Arduino OTA update 1.0.9 fails with
10:45:13.614 -> /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/freertos/queue.c:1747 (uxQueueMessagesWaiting)- assert failed!
10:45:13.614 -> abort() was called at PC 0x400895f0 on core 0
10:45:13.614 ->
10:45:13.614 -> Backtrace: 0x4008c840:0x3ffc91e0 0x4008ca71:0x3ffc9200 0x400895f0:0x3ffc9220 0x400d2c2c:0x3ffc9240 0x400d30fb:0x3ffc9260 0x400d3bdf:0x3ffc92f0 0x400887a1:0x3ffc9b00
10:45:13.614 ->
10:45:13.614 -> Rebooting...
we are updating esp32 code with seems like after restart it wont start from new slot with updated code ,it always start with default old code
Sorry, misunderstood
It will work after ota commit done by rpc call.
@developer_nextaqua thanks for the clarification.