I encounter an error when trying to use OTA also in mDash and also via curl.
Steps that I took were following:
1.builded via mos, smartlight firmware
While we’re on this thread, I encountered a new OTA issue myself:
When attempting OTA via the mDash page I receive the error:
Unsupported firmware file. Only .zip and .hex supported
I’ve had no success uploading ESP32 .bin files in the same way that has worked for the last 6 months. I did not see any updates to the OTA docs, but I thought I’d try ZIPing my .bin file just in case there was an undocumented change.
No joy there either. The file is accepted, but when the transfer reaches 100% the following error is seen on the mDash page:
Failed error 5397
No errors are reported in the target device’s mdash.log
Did something change on the backend regarding OTA recently?
Hi, I am trying to update an Arduino Uno firmware connected to an ESP8266 but I am receiving the error below.
Some one had this problem or have some clue to find the cause for this error ?
I will appreciate any kindle help with this !
Thank yuo @Jose_Luiz_Sanchez_Lo
The config seems OK - but please double-check the value of ccm.host.ota.avr.rst_pin.
Maybe the issue is with the fw.zip contents.
Before looking into it, please try to update your Arduino via mDash UI:
In Arduino IDE, choose “export compiled binary”
In mDash UI, navigate to “Devices”, find your device (must be green), click on the “download” icon
In the file selector, navigate to your sketch directory, and choose compiled .hex file. If there two, choose the one without boot loader.
Hi Ism, Thank you by your directions.
I tried to use GPIO5 as a RST pin, but the error continue the same: “-10 Nothing interesting in the update (wrong platform?)”
I did a try updating from mDash UI and UI report the same message above.
I’ve checked the reset pin (GPIO5) with a logic probe while updating and no reset is generate.
Is that “stm32” correct on the response of command below ?