Hi all,
I’m trying to retrieve a shadow of one of my devices using the command (DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY is replaced with an actual key):
curl https://mdash.net/api/v2/device?access_token=DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY
I have set the DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY in the ACL and the device itself. My ACL is as follows:
“shadow_read”: “.",
“shadow_write”: ".”,
“rpc”: “.*”,
“public_key”: “DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY”,
“data_read”: {},
“data_write”: {}
I have a wildcard (.*) set for all keys, I just can’t get it to show here for some reason.
What I get back is:
{“message”:“Method Not Allowed”}
Additionally, the default webapp is not able to “see” the device using the DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY, and when I go into developer tools, I can see it is getting a 404 error.
What am I doing wrong?