Uploading from MDash to ESP32

I have a board based upon the ESP32-WROOM-32U with 16MB flash. I have created a 12MB file system partition called /data and also the board has an SD card. Using MDash, I can easily upload files to the root partition on the flash. Is it possible to upload and download to the /data partition? How about the SD card? Thank you…

I have the same question for the 4mB ESP32-WROOM module. Has this issue ever been resolved or addressed @jim? Troubling that there is no answer to this question on this forum. Perhaps mDash reached out to you directly? I’d like to format the MCU partitions so that more memory is allocated for my program and would like to utilize a file system on the SD card instead of SPIFFS. If the mDash library could utilize the SD card for file upload and device programming that would really open up some interesting development avenues for my project while still allowing me to utilize mDash’s services.